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OSTF 04-02-2007

Meeting of March 5, 2007

Meeting Called to Order : 5:47

Meeting Adjourned: 7:07

MEMBERS PRESENT: Herb Asplund, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans,Carol Heffler, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Jim Snow, Betty Warren, Betty Osborne

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Gantick, Karl Reichle, Marcia Banach

·       Minutes of the February 5, 2007 meeting were accepted unanimously with the spelling correction of Mike Gantick's name.

·       Betty Warren reported that letters concerning Act 490 were mailed to current property owners.  The letter also included a reminder about the tax abatement on farm structures and a request that if the owners are considering the sale of their land please contact SWALPAC.     

·       Pat Botteron asked if the members were interested in a display booth at either the Strawberry Fest on June 9th or the Heritage Day on October 7th.  It was agreed to have a display at the Strawberry Fest  and Herb said there would be room. Heritage Day will be discussed at a later date. Pat will ask Jeff Folger about using a new sign that describes birds and foliage.

Pat noted that the Town Council unanimously approved the Kilkenny property proposed open space.  Pat thanked Roy for assisting her at the town council meeting.  Most of the discussion at the Council meeting was about materials to be used for the access way.  The Council resolution states gravel based access.  The other issue was putting up the open space signs.  Pat showed us one that Jeff Folger had. This may be a good scout project.

The Historic District Commission would like to see cross roads (side streets) with trees lining the property instead of rear interior lots in the Main Street area. Peter DeMallie thought this idea would inhibit the vistas.

·       The rest of the meeting was spent on the rating form, with the following modifications:
·       Herb wanted #7 split into 2 separate criteria.  7b. is now #8 and all other numbers will then increase by 1.
·       Objective criteria for which Town staff provide the data will not have member-assigned ratings.  For example, question 3: property size, can only fall into one category.
·       Buffers should be added to question 1 as g. and will be worth two points.
·       Question 2 should be weighted more, so  a. = 5 points, b. = 10 points and c. = 5 points.
·       Question 5 should have spacing between a2. and b1. and also between b2. and c.
·       Question 6 could be answered with more information from the Natural Diversity Data Base.  Marcia should have access to this data.
·       Question 13 (previously 12) should have a greater range due to the subjective factors considered.  The new range is -20 to +20.

The next meeting date is May 7, 2007, at 5:30 p.m.